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You have to show the wall before you show the ladder

Note: I don’t like this one much anymore - not that it’s wrong, it just feels like linkedin content.

Posted 2022–05–26.

I remember reading a discussion between two colleagues in the functional programming Slack channel at a workplace.

They were discussing some concept, maybe higher-kinded types. The conversation went something like this:

Knowing this is almost crucial to understanding concepts like those found in functional programming. When we read about some new concept with a mystifying name and an abstract definition, it’s often helpful to understand why people are interested in the first place.

Of course, this doesn’t just apply to functional programming. I was reading about the “WaveFunctionCollapse” algorithm, which is a backtracking algorithm used for extrapolating from an input. I thought I would have a try at implementing it myself. While trying to implement it based on a fairly loose definition I had read, I decided to cut out the “propagating” step and try a simpler backtracking algorithm:

This seems to work alright, except in certain cases where the algorithm doesn’t terminate in a reasonable number of generations. As far as I can tell, the “propagating” step should mitigate this by very quickly cutting down the number of possibilities for each tile, giving us a definite result much faster.

I think there’s a somewhat mundane lesson here. As a student, you have to put in the foundational work to understand the problems that justify the higher levels. You’ll probably be rewarded for it with a deeper and more applicable understanding of the domain.

As a teacher, you have to understand this. You have to show the wall before you show the ladder.